this is Chi!

I’m a Graphic Designer
based in Vietnam

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this is Chi! 

I’m a designer based in
Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam



Loi Nhoi:
Event for movement

Individual project

Brand identity
Event planning
Graphic design

July - September 2023  - Duration: 12 weeks

Project description

The act of “Giữ thể diện” (Saving face) is deeply integral to Vietnamese culture and ingrained in people’s daily lives, including the way they move and display their bodies. There are various social codes about the body and moving the body in Vietnamese culture but it all comes down to being “proper”. Being proper means “Đi nhẹ - Nói khẽ - Cười duyên” (Walk gently - Speak softly - Smile nicely). It means presenting and moving your body in a way that is efficient and non-disruptive. While social codes have become more relaxed with time, it is still frowned upon to be seen moving in unusual or indecorous ways.

This is where Loi Nhoi: Event for Movement comes in. This project aims to challenge the traditional Vietnamese notion of moving the body. The word “Loi Nhoi” itself is a Vietnamese reduplicative that means to move in an erratic or silly manner. I believe that everyone should feel empowered to be playful and expressive through movement and that the body and movement are not to be regulated or critiqued.

Through the four-weekend event packed with fun activities intended to get participants in strange positions, Loi Nhoi aims to create an environment where people of all ages and athletic abilities can move around creatively without fear of judgement.

Brand identity

Event activities

Event assets

Day 1: Pose relay | Charcoal drawings

Day 2: Pozzle | Pozzle pieces

Promotional items

Event promotional booklet


Pose flashcards

Reflective statement

This project was developed based on my desire to study the human figure and try out different rendering styles. From then, I tried to bridge the gap between an art project and a design project by turning it into an event and developing accompanying visual assets.

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