this is Chi!

I’m a Graphic Designer
based in Vietnam

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this is Chi! 

I’m a designer based in
Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam



Biết điều

Individual project

Ideation & research
System design
May 2023 - Duration: 12 weeks

Project description

This project is informed by the work I’ve done in during the Common Design Studio Recipe for Air workshop and the observations I made after gigamapping my neighborhood. The question then became, what is something unique, fascinating or potentionally problematic about my neighborhood in relation to air and atmosphere, in 25 years time, that could become a design opportunity? The insights from my community are that residents are too reliant on private transportation, and are reluctant to travel more sustainably, meaning most of the air pollution from the neighborhood came from private transportation.

This is a complex topic that has no clear cut solution. However to keep the scope of this project manageable for the time frame, I came up with Biết Điều (well-behaved, well-adjusted). This project is a proposal of a neighborhood environmental watch system in which neighbors keep an eye on each other’s emission from private transportation to reduce air pollution from this source. Eventually, as travelling sustainably becomes more common and an expected social norm, excessive use of private transportation will become frowned upon and deal serious damage to one’s social capital.

Design prototype

Design process book

Visual diary

